v1.8 (15-May-2004)
Added vsofont_read_font_from_memory().
Changed vsofont_read_font() to vsofont_read_font_from_file().
Example shows now how to draw a bolded string.
VSOFONT header file should now work in C++ projects.
Small optimizations here and there.
v1.7 (28-Jan-2004)
Added an antialiased string to the example.
All color functions need now alpha values as well.
Reduced code bloat a lot.
Small optimizations here and there.
Code cleanups.
v1.6 (03-Dec-2003)
Added more checks and error messages.
Cleaned up the example.
Embedded billboard.c into vsofont.c.
Tiny optimizations here and there.
VSOFont uses now byte sized indices in fonts if possible.